4 Common Worries Your Loved One May Have That Elder Care Addresses

29 November 2019
 Categories: , Blog

Senior adults should be able to enjoy their retirement years without being overly burdened by worries. Sadly, many older adults find that their anxiety begins to climb as they realize the potential issues that can arise as they age. Watch out for these four common worries that your loved one may be dealing with so that you can help them arrange for in-home elder care that eases the stress caused by each one. Read More 

The Perils Of Social Isolation: How Senior Living Communities Can Help

13 September 2019
 Categories: , Blog

When a senior enters long-term care, such as an assisted living facility, friends and relatives are reassured that they are in a safer more secure environment that provides personal care services, and their food and medical needs are being met better than if they were alone in their home. One of the needs that they may not have even considered is the need for social engagement. A senior living community is usually an excellent place to leave behind the social isolation that often comes with aging, but it's important to research senior living facilities to ensure they actively host and promote activities and opportunities that encourage social interactions. Read More 

2 Living Options for Your Aging Parent

11 June 2019
 Categories: , Blog

When your parent has reached the point that they can no longer live alone in their own home, there are options open to you and to them. Which option you take depends on what is going to be best for both you and your parent, which means that you guys are going to have to have a lot of discussions about what you both need. So, what are some of those options? Read More 

3 Ways To Help Maintain Your Parent’s Health

29 March 2019
 Categories: , Blog

If your parent is advancing in age and you help take care of him or her, there are lots of healthy habits you can help your parent cultivate that will benefit both of you. Some of them are listed below. #1 Create a Bedroom Space Made for Sleep Insomnia is a serious issue in the senior community. Make sure your parent's bedroom is set up to facilitate sleep. To start with, make sure their bedroom is where they sleep, not where they hang out and spend the day. Read More